Filing a Patent? Look for Invalid Patents as Well
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Synoptic IP
12:24 AM
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Today in every industry, competition and uniqueness run you.
If you are not competitive, you are not in the game and if you are not unique,
you are not required. To this effect, all companies, in order to mitigate the
risk of being out of the trade due to competition, go for patent filing for
their unique product or service. A patent not only helps you gain monopoly for
a specified period of time, it also helps you attain uniqueness by improvising
on your product to do even better.
While a Company looks to file a patent, it must however know
if there is no already existing patent for a similar product in the market
already. If it is, is the patent valid? Patent invalidity search is therefore
an important part of the process of filing a patent.
If the patent already existing is found invalid, the company
is free to proceed with its filing. However, if the patent invalidity search
results in a valid patent, the company needs to wait for that existing patent
to expire to avoid any kind of legal or other hassles that could hamper you.
Patent Invalidity Search is usually done by Intellectual
Property consultants who help you with all the per-requisites like patent
drafting, filing etc before you can capture the market with your unique
product. They are experts in various fields and they come in quite handy to
bring forth the useful attributes of your product through patent related
searches and research on your product.
Patent Invalidity Search
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